Constructors and Concrete Industries – Nebraska City have been hard at work at Indian Cave State Park, located in the southeast corner of Nebraska.  Working alongside Mainelli Wagner & Associates, Inc. engineers, the Nebraska Department of Roads and Nebraska State Parks, Constructors and CINC plans to lay more than 40,000 square yards of 8” thick concrete and 30,000 tons of asphalt between April 2015 and June 2016, when the project is expected to be complete.  The project includes all roads, trails, drainage and sewer improvements and a larger, newly paved boat dock and storage area.

“Constructors was the only company to bid on the project,” said Randy H., President of Constructors.  “With the difficult hilly terrain and isolated location, I honestly think most other companies couldn’t handle the difficult task in the time frame the State wanted the project completed by.”  Constructors has been working closely with the Ready Mixed plant in Auburn and have had trucks from Auburn, Nebraska City, Tecumseh, Syracuse, Fall City and Lincoln locations hauling concrete.  “Thus far we’ve had three big pour days,” said Craig N. of Southeast Ready Mixed. “With over 1,000 yards of concrete poured on each of the three days; we’ve used 25 trucks running non-stop from our Auburn location.”

The $7.3 million Indian Cave contract looks to be one of Constructors’ bigger projects of the season.  Overseeing the difficult task at Constructors is project manager Eric A. and onsite superintendent Kelly B.